Tuesday, August 4, 2009


On a recent organizing spree, I found a few notes i jotted down at the end of the year:

  • Working with Ms. S made the year better and more enjoyable. I felt more motivated and the work environment was better
  • Most of the students made measurable progress on the PALS pre-K
  • Many students scored above average on the end of year vocabulary assessment
  • I collaborated more with the speech therapist and reading teacher than in years past
  • Students developed good relationships with each other. They seemed to genuinely care about each other.
  • Using the bucket concept to encourage positive behavior seemed to help them understand what was expected
  • Very few behavior problems this year and I think that is related to several things: 1) a consistent schedule with my prep periods thanks to administrative support 2) a para who was better suited to the job and 3) and my own growth as a teacher and being more proactive earlier on
Ok so I did not think of all of these on the last days of school. Some of them have popped into my brain relatively recently.

  • I need to give feedback to Ms. S so that some of the problems she encountered with students can be avoided ( although I am not sure of the best way to give her feedback or suggestions)
  • I did not stick with the bucket system as well as I would have liked to
  • I would like to work harder on potty training the students
  • I would like to keep better track of the IEPs and possibly actually use the folder system that I started
  • I would like to plan the filed trips with my grade level colleagues at the beginning of the year and then divide up the responsibilities so that I am not doing all of that work all of the time
I am sure I will think of more things later on this month as the start of school gets closer.

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