Thursday, April 9, 2009

March Madness in April

March was a big month of transition in my classroom. From open house, to new classes starting to two new students with challenging needs starting within two weeks of each other. March was quite a whirlwind time. I was hopeful that all of the March Madness would draw to a close with the turning of the calendar page, but no such luck.

The work on my desk continues to pile up. I am struggling to remember basic information, like the dates my classes meet or where I put a student's file. My new students are trying to settle in and find their place in the classroom. I am trying my best to rise to the occasion and meet their needs while still teaching the other students. I still feel like, despite my best efforts, I am letting them down a bit.

Added to the mix is the time of year. School has been stressful because of some ridiculously aggressive situations between students, the first part of state testing and of course the infamous budgetary problems.

And I am pretty sure that I will get another new student after April vacation. A student is very young both biologically and developmentally. A student who is over two and a half years younger than some of my other students.

I am hopeful that next week will go smoothly and that April vacation will be a time of rest and renewal.

1 comment:

  1. Not that it helps, but you are not alone in feeling a little (or a lot) overwhelmed right now. It just seems like it is that time of year. :( The good news in the you have hope, and that inspires me!
