Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So two schools in my district are closed for the next week due to Swine Flu. There are several kids out in each school with flu like symptoms. Only a few of those cases are actually confirmed but apparently the schools and the district are being cautious. Apparently, the missed school days do not need to be made up because of how late in the school year it is.

I think it is really scary and I am glad the school district is being cautious. I am concerned about the health and safety of my students. When I was talking to other teachers in my building about these concerns, they looked at me strange, as if maybe I had sprouted a second head on my right shoulder. One of the teachers said that it wouldn't be so bad to have a week off at the end of the May or beginning of June.

There are only 25 school days left this year and so much work to do. I think a week off now would be extremely disruptive.l While I love the warm weather and yearn to be at the beach this time of year, I care about the students, their health, and the health of their families. At the same, I personally don't want to get Swine Flu, I just got over being sick. So if there are children in the school who have it, I think the school should close or at least sanitize. But still, I am not rooting for mass numbers of sick children.

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